Log In Instructions

Welcome to the Nicolet College Online Financial Aid System!

Are you a First Time Net Partner User? (Net Partner is a stand-alone system which requires different credentials than other Nicolet College programs.)  

Click on "First Time User" in the lower right corner of the Log In Box.
Follow the directions as applicable. 
Your Log In Password must be at least 9 characters including lower and upper case letters, numbers and special characters. 

Are you a Returning User?  If so, just enter your Social Security Number (minus dashes) and your Password and click submit to access the online system.  Remember this is not your FSA ID.  After 6 failed attempts, your account will be disabled and you must contact the Financial Aid Office at (715) 365-4423.

Experiencing login problems?  If you are trying to activate your account and receive an error message with Code IA, it may mean that your account is already activated.  Try logging in with your SSN and Password, or if you do not remember your Password, click on the “Forgot your Password?” link.  You will be prompted to answer your security questions to verify your identity.  You will then be asked to change your Password.  If you are still unable to access your account, contact the Financial Aid Office at (715) 365-4423.

Your Net Partner account cannot be created until we receive your FAFSA. Watch for an email from us before you attempt to set up your Net Partner account.

Online Financial Aid System

You can:

  •       View a list of documents we’ve received from you and a list of the documents still outstanding
  •       Review and accept, change and/or cancel your financial aid offers
  •       Check the status of your student loans for the current year

 The Online Financial Aid System supports the use of various web browsers, but results can vary depending on specific versions. If you have any difficulties navigating or completing functions, please call the Financial Aid Office at (715) 365-4423.